Soft Skills
CSI supplements the MBA program with soft skills which provides a unique opportunity for the students to develop, and enhance their personality, and upgrade their communication and presentation skills. The learning outcomes of this program are:
The learning outcomes of this program are:
- English language skills, which include spoken and written skills.
- Good presentation skills.
- To be able to develop inter-personal skills, team building and leadership.
- To develop self –confidence and self esteem so that they are equipped and are ready to
operate effectively in the dynamic business environment.
- To be able to take effective part in various selection procedures adopted by the
corporate recruiters.

Seminar Hall
A Conference Room has been equipped with an OHP and LCD Projector for Guest Lectures and Seminars that are conducted regularly.
Lab & Library

Well equipped computer labs with CORE 2 DUO computers with 1:2 Ratio.

The well-furnished centralized digital library provides the ambience and congenial environment conducive to learning.
The library has subscribed for various Academic Journals namely H.B.R, N.S.J, CE, CSI, Fortune Intel, etc. With qualified staff as Librarians, the library caters to all the needs of the students. It has the best-equipped infrastructure. All the titles in the library are on the suggestion of AICTE & O.U. The most important aspect of this library is the library information which has been developed to easy management of different titles and which helps in library management effectively. Every student is supplied by various titles and also given as opportunity to read the reference books, which are exclusive to this library.
For the convenience of the students and the library, the following rules have been framed and the students are advised to keep a note of them:
1. All the books issued to the student have to be returned back either within the scheduled time informed or what is written on the first page of the book.
2. If the student happens to keep the book for more than the days scheduled, he/she will have to pay the fine as mentioned on the library card.
3. If the student happens to lose the card, he/she has to immediately report to the librarian and get a new card, or else it will be deemed that he/she has lost the books and will be fined as appropriately.
4. Replacement of new library cards will be done with a nominal fee of Rs100.
5. It is in the interest of the students to take care that books are returned back to the librarian within the scheduled time and get them cancelled from the librarian.
6. Please return the books in good condition or else the student will be fined appropriately.
7. All the library books have to be preserved till the end of your course and submit the same when the students come for no-due certificate.
8. For any further clarification regarding the rules and regulations of the library, please contact the librarian.
9. However, if any disputes arise, final decision will be left to the management of the college.
Circulation Service:
Library issues four library cards to each student, and each student is provided one book on each card. Books borrowed from the library have to be returned within 10 days and a new book will be issued.
1. The cards are not transferable. Readers are not allowed to sub-lend the books of the library.
2. Before leaving the counter, the readers should satisfy themselves that the book is in good condition. If the book is damaged, he/she should bring the matter to the notice of the official on duty. If he/she fails to do so, they will be held responsible for the damage.
3. A reader who has lost the library card shall make a written report of the same to the Library office immediately. In case the book is not found within a week the reader shall replace the book/recovery the cost decided by the authority. Taking out books without getting them properly issued from the library is a serious offence.
All books on loan shall be returned within the due date stamped on the date level of the book, failure of which the reader has to pay a fine.
Clearence Certificate:
The identity card and the library cards are the property of the library and are to be returned. If dues are to be paid, a clearance Certificate may be obtained before taking University Examinations/for terminating connection with the college. Readers, who are members of other Libraries, should also get a clearance certificate before applying for Clearance certificate from the College Library.
Among the myriads of educational institutions established by the Church of South India, Medak Diocese, CSI Post Graduate College stands out as an illustrious academy for higher studies. Recognizing the need for professional studies, this college came into existence with effect from the academic year 2009. The college is fully accredited by the AICTE, New Delhi, and is affiliated to Osmania University.