Candidate seeking admission into Full Time M.B.A. programme must be: 1. Bachelor degree holder of Osmania University or a degree recognised by the university as equivalent there to with an aggregate of not less than 45% marks in PartI and Part-II put together (non-credit courses not included). In case of SC and ST candidates a pass in the qualifying examination is sufficient. 2. The candidate seeking admission must qualify in the ICET examination, conducted by the appropriate authority in the year of admission as per the norms prescribed by the University. 1. The admission of Non-resident Indians and candidates admitted in lieu of them will be as per the University rules in force on the date of the admission. 2. Foreign students’ admission is based on the Screening Process of the University.
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1. The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) is a post-graduate course offered as:
2. Two-year, i.e., four semester full time day programme .
3. Three year, i.e., six semester part-time programme offered to working executives and employees.